Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Steve Jobs as Syd Barrett

It's just the yellow lighting and the bare floor, but the picture reminds me of "Madcap Laughs." On that LP cover though, Syd rests on his finger and toe tips, seemingly ready to float away. Jobs, in this photo taken by Diana Walker in his home, from 1982, is planted, centered, ass on prayer rug, cup of tea, tiny stack of records, enormous speakers, and the day's mail. I imagine he breathes deeply and contemplates which of his essential luxuries he can encase in the small white box he will invent one day, to be placed like a rock in the middle of everyone's individual Zen garden.
In a few years, the young go-getters in the Arts, and the Business worlds, college students and Extended Stay visitors will sit just like this in their own rooms, the yellow light changed to blue/white from a laptop screen. Speakers now buds in ears. Record collections potentially limitless but invisible. Mail now nestled in neat folders, stored on a desktop that also can be rendered invisible. The essentials now banished to an ethereal, other realm, that now holds more of their attention than their immediate surroundings. Not centered in the "here," but the "elsewhere." Not in a cafe, dorm room or office, but inside the world of iTunes, Amazon, and Google. Zen Purgatory. The room we wait in until our robot overlords come for the reaping. Thank you, Steve.

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