Sunday, April 20, 2008

Zombies are the new vampires.

Slinky, sexy horror is so 90's. We want ours sexy and shambling, maybe even dropping limbs or organs. No more vampire discos, we want Zombie Strippers.

Freddy and Jenna! And was that mad scientist the actor from Reanimated? The review from Cinematical, was pretty positive, but with the note that the screening included lots of drinking. And hey, that's probably how I'll watch it, when it comes out on DVD in a few weeks. It's all irony and humor now, which makes it fun. Playing up the erotic aspects of horror, which is one of the bigger tropes in vampire literature, in any serious way, gets icky quick. Remember Nekromantik, which came out in 1987? Not a vampire or zombie movie. But lots of corpses. Getting some from the living.

One of the safer stills from Nekromantik.

That was not played so much for the laughing. Nekromantik, was way into the pornography of necrophilia, and the art direction was high. There was meant to be a real love story. Involving corpses. There was even a documentary about the art behind the movie. To be honest, it made me feel so diseased, just watching it. The living and the dead - co-mingling. I'm older and more jaded now, and I'm ready to laugh in its face. Right before it bites mine off. A little Jenna makes the medicine sweeter, too. (Not to dis the greatness of Nekromantik, Nekromantik 2, or Der Todesking - but some times a can of beer is easier to drink than a full-bodied, artisan brewed beer).

And hey, if vampires are your thing, Lost Boys 2 is coming soon.

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