Way back in the Eighties, there was a severe cultural lag-time on imports. You would hear some band from overseas, on college radio, "Rock Over London." or some such, and it would take months, sometimes a year, before the music would hit our shores. An eternity it seemed. Back in December, Mark from Hardboiled Records hipped me to the "Machine Girl" trailer. Schoolgirl watches family die by, and loses hand to ninja yakuza, gets a gattling gun to replace missing limb and avenge family. Oh, there's a drill bra, too. Blood of course. Fountains of it everywhere, like a hellish Versailles. Ultra-violent, cartoony fun that I will have to wait until the June 13 DVD release date to sink my eyeballs into. Six months is a cultural eternity these days.
And now, the bar has been lifted. Yesterday, Mark sent me another link, to a trailer at
Twitch for "Tokyo Gore Police." The ridiculous name insures that I at least take notice. Twitch tells me it's by the same people behind, "Machine Girl." And the trailer is as over the top as their last one. I've never seen heads ripped apart to create a car wash of blood, before. If this were presented in any sort of serious way, I would have to soak my eyes in bleach after watching. It's anyone's guess when we will get a chance to watch it over here. By the time "Machine Girl" gets released, we'll probably be linking to trailers for a new Japanese movie based on Mike Diana's comix. One hopes.
Tokyo Gore Police trailer:
Machine Girl trailer:
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